Molly Joyce Molly Joyce

Highlighting Disabled Female Leaders in Foreign Policy — Women in Foreign Policy

“Contributions from disabled women are often overlooked within foreign policy and international relations. Disability is perhaps the largest global minority (15% of the world's population according to a 2011 WHO/World Bank Report) and the most universal, as it is available to all as congenital, acquired, temporary, and permanent. I wanted to interview established (Judith Heumann, Charlotte V. McClain-Nhlapo, Susan Sygall) and emerging (Karine Grigoryan, Anna Landre, and Ekaete Umoh) disabled female leaders across a range of disabilities, countries, and experiences to ask them about their career motivations and advice.”

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Molly Joyce Molly Joyce

Molly Joyce on the influence of disability studies on her music-making – Disability Arts Online

“Composer and performer Molly Joyce’s music is primarily concerned with disability as a creative source. Her works have been commissioned and performed by ensembles including the New World, New York Youth, Pittsburgh, and Milwaukee Symphony Orchestras, and the New Juilliard, Decoda, and Contemporaneous ensembles. She talks to DAO about barriers and her aim to redefine the boundaries of contemporary classical music.”

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