Molly Joyce - Digital Humanities Portfolio
The below portfolio outlines my work and ventures during the DH Certificate period. Participating in the Certificate program provided vital explorations and research to further my academic and artistic work, such as supporting campus visits by disabled artists, researching the intersection of DH and accessibility overlays, and my graduate research interest in adaptive music technology. The combination of these explorations have advanced my artistic and academic work, in ultimately seeking the creativity of disability.
Courses Taken
DH 8000 (Fall 2024)
DH 8991 (Spring 2024)
MUSI 7559 - Prof. JoVia Armstrong, Topic: Scoring Human Existence (approved elective) (Spring 2023)
MUSI 7540 - Prof. Luke Dahl, Topic: Composing for Music & Movement (approved elective) (Spring 2023)
Perspective: Ongoing interview project featuring voices and viewpoints of disabled interviewees -
Iterations completed during DH Certificate: Düsseldorf, Germany (public art version)
Forthcoming iterations with Community Access to the Arts (Massachusetts) and UVA Fralin Museum of Art
Left and Right: Collaboration between composer/performer Molly Joyce, choreographer/dancer Jerron Herman, writer/audio describer Max Greyson, and director Austin Regan to examine historical myths of the left versus right side -
Iterations completed during DH Certificate: UCLA Center for the Art of Performance (Los Angeles)
State Change: Forthcoming surgical record album utilizing adaptive music technology -
Created in collaboration with Grammy-award-winning producer William Brittelle and sound engineer Michael Hammond
Joyce, M. (2024), "Web Accessibility.” [submitted to Digital Humanities Quarterly for publication consideration]
Joyce, M. (2024), "Disability, Family, Artistry: A Search for Balance and Access", Ciciurkaite, G. and Brown, R.L. (Ed.) Disability and the Changing Contexts of Family and Personal Relationships (Research in Social Science and Disability, Vol. 15), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 7-23. [Editors’ Choice Best Chapter Award]
Joyce, M. (2024). Cripping Virtuosity: Cultivating Virtuosity from Disability through Music Technology. HUB: Journal of Research in Art, Design and Society, 2.,
Joyce, M. (2023). Virtuosity of the Self. In C. Hope & L. Devenish (Eds.), Contemporary Notions of Musical Virtuosities.
Joyce, M. (2023). Virtuosity of the Self. 13 Society for Artistic Research Conference Proceedings, edited by Ivana Sidjimovska.
Joyce, M. (2023). Fostering Disability Artistry in Higher Education. In M.L. Vance & E.G. Harrison (Eds.), Disabled Faculty & Staff: Intersecting Identities in Higher Education (Volume 2).
Joyce, M., with contributions from Kayla Hamilton (2023). Reimagining the Vision of Dance: Kayla Hamilton’s Nearly Sighted/unearthing the dark. Americas: A Hemispheric Music Journal, 31, 1-18.
Joyce, M. (2023). The End. Synoptique, 10(1), 64-67.
Joyce, M. (2023). PERSPECTIVE: HIGHLIGHTING DISABILITY VIEWPOINTS THROUGH ARTISTRY AND ACCESSIBILITY. Practice Sharing II, edited by Emma Cocker, Cordula Daus and Lena Séraphin.
Joyce, M. (2023). The Sound of Disability. UVA Scholars’ Lab.
Joyce, M. (2023). Access as Praxis. UVA Scholars’ Lab.
Joyce, M. (2023). Disability First. The Wire.
Conference PresentationsJoyce, M. (2024, May 30). Cripping Virtuosity: Cultivating Virtuosity from Disability through Music Technology [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Movement and Computing (MOCO), Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
Joyce, M. (2024, March 22). Access Intimacies: Exploring shared disability experiences through artistic outputs [Conference presentation]. Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium, Department of English, University of Charlottesville, Charlottesville, VA + Online.
Joyce, M. (2024, March 2). Perspective: Highlighting Disability Viewpoints through Artistry and Accessibility [Conference presentation]. University of Toronto Graduate Music Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada + Online.
Joyce, M. (2023, November 10). Perspective: Highlighting Disability Viewpoints through Artistry and Accessibility [Conference presentation]. American Musicological Society (AMS) and Society for Music Theory (SMT) Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
Joyce, M. (2023, July 29). Perspective: Highlighting Disability Viewpoints through Artistry and Accessibility [Conference presentation]. Disability, Theatre, and Performance + Association for Theatre in Higher Education Pre-Conference, Online.
Joyce, M. (2023, July 2-10). Seeking Virtuosity from Disability [Conference presentation]. The College Music Society 2023 Conference, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia.
Joyce, M. (2023, June 8-10). Perspective: Highlighting Disability Viewpoints through Artistry and Accessibility [Conference presentation]. Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory (HASTAC) 2023 – Critical Making & Social Justice, Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY + Online.
Joyce, M. (2023, April 28). Disability as a Creative Source [Conference presentation]. Disability Studies and Music Education Symposium, Online.
Joyce, M. (2023, March 31-April 2). Virtuosity from Disability: Exploring multidisciplinary offerings from dance to music [Conference presentation]. Mid-Atlantic Chapter for the Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Conference, William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Joyce, M. (2023, March 30-31). Virtuosity from Disability: Exploring multidisciplinary offerings from dance to music [Conference presentation]. Graduate & Honors Research Symposium, William & Mary, Williamsburg, VA.
Joyce, M. (2023, March 24-25). Virtuosity from Disability: Exploring multidisciplinary offerings from dance to music [Conference presentation]. Graduate Students in Music Conference, City University of New York Graduate Center, Online.
Joyce, M. (2023, March 18-19). Virtuosity from Disability: Exploring multidisciplinary offerings from dance to music [Conference presentation]. University of Toronto Graduate Music Conference, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada + Online.
Joyce, M. (2023, March 6). Disability as a Creative Source [Conference presentation]. SXSW EDU, Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX.
Technology Utilized
Sibelius Notation
Logic Pro Digital Audio Workstation
Qualisys Motion Caption
Loopback Audio
MUGIC Acceleromter
KAiKU Music Glove
MUSI 2390 / MUSI 3390 - Introduction to Music Technology - Summer 2024
Utilizing notation and digital audio workstation software for students to explore fundamental concepts behind music technology and production.
Berklee Online - Orchestration - Summer 2024
Utilizing notation software and audio examples for students to experiment with and develop their acoustic and digital orchestration skills.
DH Events Attended/Contributed To
Spring 2024
Finnegan Shannon - Alt-Text As Poetry
Praxis Hackathon
Fall 2023
Praxis Pedagogy Workshop
DH Certificate Holiday Party
Spring 2023
Andy Slater - Blind Futures: Accessibility Ain't Hard
DH Mixer
Texts Cited
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